
The Turning London
Every Believer Equipped To Share The Gospel & Trained To Disciple Those Who Respond

Saturday 16th - Sunday 22nd September 2024
Yinka Oyekan
Founder of The Turning
Senior Pastor of The Gate Church, Reading, UK
Message to The Turning London Hubs
About The Turning
it's all to do with His presence
The Turning was birthed at The Gate Church (Reading) out of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that led to a deep hunger to reach the lost. From this initial move of God (which has now spread across the UK & Europe) the four cornerstones of Encounter, Training, Outreach & Discipleship were established. In London, our team is dedicated to equipping London leaders and their churches with evangelism tools, discipleship training and a culture-transforming vision to see every believer sharing the gospel, discipling new believers and supporting those rededicating their lives to Jesus. We want to see church culture changed!
What the journey looks like

When you are ready we launch The Turning with a week of prayer, worship and evangelism. Seeing your people successfully sharing the Gospel and following up those who respond.
Ways To Get Involved

where there is unity, God commands a blessing
UNITY | Local leaders are presented with an opportunity to work in unity in a Kingdom manner that goes beyond social action.
ENGAGEMENT | Many Christians within your churches across the region will engage in gospel proclamation with confidence and expectation.
THE GOSPEL SHARED | Many people will hear the gospel on a regular basis.
RESPONSE | People will make a response to pray to Christ on the streets of your towns.
DISCIPLESHIP | People will enter one-to-one discipleship with those they have prayed with.
REVIVAL | The church will once again restructure itself for evangelistic endeavour as well as pastoral care.
Testimonies from London Hubs

The Turning Global
The Turning began in 2016 as a one week mission at The Gate Church in Reading, UK. What was thought to be a simple local mission was quickly understood as a move of God and an evangelistic grace to be given to all people of every nation. The Turning works through Countries, Cities, Churches, Church leaders and Congregations to see each individual sharing the Gospel to strangers and friends with confidence and boldness.
The Turning Endorsement by London Ministries & Organisations